Here is...
What you need?
-Python 1.45
-Python Script Shell 1.45
-Keypress 1.06 -> Signed *I think selfsigned, or the one in megapypack wont work, coz cap's issue
-Axyz Module -> Signed *I think selfsigned wont work
both can be found in rar i uploaded
-Megapy pack 1.51
How to install:
1. Unstall megapyPack on your phone
2. Install Signed Keypress 1.06
3. Install Signed Axyz Module
4. Install megapy 1.51 -> unthick keypress and axyz
5. Install xyzMusic Control
How to use:
Press Multimedia Key -> toggle on /off
Lean right -> Forward
Lean left -> Backward
Len up -> Play/Pause
Setting :
Vibrate -> On to vibrate on shake.
Beep -> On to play sound on shake. I've problem with this.. i will get it fixed sometime.
Sensitivity -> Increase Or Decrease as you like, the more sensitivity is the less angle you need to shake. Reset -> Set sensitivity to default value (useful when error occured becoz of wrong setup)
Reactivity -> Increase Or Decrease as you like, the more the reactivity is the quicker application respon on shake. Reset -> Set reactivity to default value(useful when error occured becoz of wrong setup)
This application will work on n82 and n95, make sure you turned on vibrate on your activated profile. (tool -> setting -> general -> personalisation -> tone -> Vibrating Alert = On)
*This Application created by me inspired by Nexus's Shuffle. But nexus's shuffle doesn't worked good on my phone, so i made this ^^,
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Download Here Python
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1.02 update
- 5800 supported! (Thanks declanshortall did a factory reset and test on his 5800!)
- fixed swipolicy.ini dosen't copy on some device
- repacked ROMPatcher, must works for almost all device! 5800 succeed applied open4all & ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches too!
notes to N96 user:
please test this version again, let see does ROMPatcher working now!?
HelloOX is a program by me to hack easier!
only 2 steps for all S60 3rd,fp1,fp2,5800:
1. Sign and Install then run MapDrives.Unsigned.sis
2. Sign and Install then run HelloOX.1.02.Unsigned.sis
***must sign with a 17 capability Dev Cert***
HelloOX does all the rest for you!
Enjoy it!
What HelloOX did?
Pre FP1 & FP1:
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Run MapDrives then uninstall it
3. Install ROMPatcher
4. Apply open4all patch
5. Move installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin\
6. Install rootCerts (optional)
7. Remove unneeded E:\hack folder
8. Done!
FP2 & 5800:
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Run MapDrives then uninstall it
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher
4. Apply open4all and ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches
6. Remove unneeded E:\hack folder
7. Done!
FP2 & 5800 doesn't have a working installserver yet! However, ROMPatcher working on some of them.
If RP works, the ChangeSWIpolicyPath patch can let you install some unsigned apps, otherwise please
sign your apps with leftup cert&key pair included in this package.
All credits goes to:
GANG's brothers
Thanks micke for let this proper works on fp2 device!
and Thanks to all people who made this possible!
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Also Try This Method :
Install X-plore_S60_3rd_Datecode081225_AllfilesCaps_BiNPDA.r ar
Install Y_Browser_3rdEd_088_5_BiNPDA.rar
Download the attach file FP2_Hack_Test.rar, Un-rar it.
Copy the Folder "Hack" in to the root Directory E:\
Sign the MapDrives.v1.00.Unsigned.sis by your 17 Caps Developers Certificate from O.P.D.A
Install HelloO.P.D.A_S60_3_X_v_1_0_0.sisx & MapDrives.v1.00.Unsigned_Signed.sisx
Run the MapDrives from application folder [after this, you can open x-plore to find whether the "V" drive is exist or not in your phone. Please make sure you close the x-plore and run it again.]
Remove the MapDrivers by going to the Application Manager
Run helloO.P.D.A Select Options --> RunUpdaterD
Install the updaterD.sisx
Now your Phone 5800 is completely HACKED.
Thanks to all the people whoever involved in making this happen !
Download Here For Free
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Skype is coming to SymbianWay back in April Skype team announced the first beta of Skype mobile and today it gets its first update and now it is available as the BETA 2.
'Skype for your mobile' Beta 2 encompasses a number of improvements but if you expecting the native Symbian application you’ll be disappointed once again!
Mobile Skype client is still only available as the java application which is optimized to be compatible with most of the Java enabled phones and therefore it is not the best possible solution for the powerful S60 devices.
Although it is not a native Symbian application, it works just fine, looks pretty good and functionality isn’t affected. With Skype on your mobile phone you can make calls to anyone on Skype while you're going about your daily, on the bus, queuing for tickets, sunbathing in your back garden.
Contacts in your pocket
With your Skype contacts on your mobile, you’ll always know when your friends are online. Call them from the bus, check their presence from the park, or send an instant message while you’re sipping a latte in your favourite coffee shop – wherever they are in the world.
Skype Mobile Skype Mobile
Talk or instant message
You can call or instant message any of your contacts who are using Skype on their computer or mobile device, including the 3 Skypephone. You can even start a group chat just like you would on your computer, so you can organise party plans from the comfort of your couch or co-ordinate fancy dress direct from the costume shop.
Will it work in my country?
In this beta version, anyone can receive calls, instant message and see who’s online. If you want to call phones, mobiles, or any of your Skype contacts, this is limited to people in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Sweden and UK.
Skype is coming to Symbian
Skype for your mobile beta means you can call your contacts whenever you need to – no computer, WiFi zone, or special phone needed. With Skype on your mobile phone you can make calls to anyone on Skype while you're going about your daily business, on the bus, queuing for tickets, sunbathing in your back garden.
* Works on almost 50 handsets, with a data plan.
* Costs just a little to make and receive calls.
* See when your contacts are online.
* Instant message or call them using Skype.
* Save on mobile calls to friends and family overseas.
I just get it but haven't finished testing Skype for your mobile yet, I am in the office at the moment and it is pretty hectic here so I can’t really test it out but I expect that first user opinion will appears over at forum section shortly.
Download Here
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Muzee is a music player for S60 3rd Edition phones.
* files: mp3, ogg, aac, mp4, m4a audio files
* ID3 tags: artist, album, title, genre,...
* next info: volume, played time
* streams: mp3, ogg, aac, aac+ streams broadcasted by SHOUTcast and Icecast2 media servers are now supported, so it brings you almost all internet radios to your ears... (, soma fm, Virgin Radio, Club 977, HBR1 and many many more ...)
* organize your streams into groups
* displayed info: name, title, comment, played time
* .m3u, .pls stream playlists supported now too
* general: you can set color and alpha for fonts and panes, background images (.jpg, .png)
* smooth anti-aliased fonts.
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
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1. Pure Black
2. Walkman Violet & Pink
3. Walkman Red
Download Here Pure Black
Download Here Walkman Red, Violet & Pink
Download Here Pure Black
Download Here Walkman Red, Violet & Pink
Download Here TTPOD 3.2.1
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Super Mario Planet
ducati xtreme 3d
Desert Commandos Java Game
boyz game 2 get gls
Download Here Super Mario Planet For Free
Download Here Beauty_8 For Free
Download Here Ducati Xtreme 3d For Free
Download Here Desert Commandos Java Game For Free
Download Here Boyz Game 2 Get Gls For Free
Posted by

View your phone screen on your desktop PC with Mobiola Remote Phone Control. Take snapshots, record video and share your screen on Skype with this handy app. Enjoy zoom functionality plus Bluetooth compatibility. This is a perfect presentation tool and demo recorder for your Symbian device.
Main Functionality
Shows your phone screen on your PC
PC keyboard support
zoom in/out
full screen regime
video recording
Works over Bluetooth or USB
Demo your phone through Skype Video and record YouTube video presentations directly to YouTube using webcam driver functionality
View your phone screen on your desktop PC with Mobiola Remote Phone Control. Take snapshots, record video and share your screen on Skype with this handy app. Enjoy zoom functionality plus Bluetooth compatibility. This is a perfect presentation tool and demo recorder for your Symbian device.
Main Functionality
Shows your phone screen on your PC
PC keyboard support
zoom in/out
full screen regime
video recording
Works over Bluetooth or USB
Demo your phone through Skype Video and record YouTube video presentations directly to YouTube using webcam driver functionality
Download Here For Free
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Garmin Mobile XT for Symbian S60 3rd Edition, Ver. 5.00.10
Installation Instructions
1. As with any software update, you should always create a backup of the data on your device before beginning. Please see the information provided in the user manual for your device for more information.
2. To import your existing saved settings/waypoints/routes/tracks after you have updated to the latest version, you will need to export them to the SD card at this time. Select Tools->Manage My Data then select the Manage option. Select Export GPX. This will create a file on the SD card that contains all of your saved information. Select Done and Exit the application when this is complete.
3. Copy the following file from the SD card to a safe location (this file will be used to import your saved information later):
(SD card)\Garmin\GPX\CURRENT.GPX
After copying this file, delete the file from the SD card.
4. Insert the SD card into your card reader. (Applicable for most Symbian OS devices - some Nokia phones offer 'Data Transfer' mode when connected to the PC and will allow the phone to act like a USB card reader.)
5. To begin the SD card setup, select the 'Download' link found on this web page.
6. Select to 'Run' or 'Save' the file. Selecting 'Run' will immediately launch the install program. Selecting 'Save', will save the file to your PC and require you to launch the install program from the saved location.
7. If you receive an error copying the files to the destination SD card, you will need to manually browse the card to remove the following two files:
(SD card)\Garmin\Apps\Symbian\res\GarminMobileXT.SIS
(SD card)\private\10202dce\GarminMobileXT_PA.SIS
Rerun the file downloaded from the link on this web page (Step 5).
8. Follow the directions provided when running the downloaded program and directions provided on the device display to complete the application update. Insert the SD card into the phone (if necessary).
IMPORTANT: If the installation/update does not occur automatically upon insertion of the SD card into your device, browse to the SD card root directory and manually run the GarminMobileXT.SIS file. You can verify the present version of the application by going to the Tools -> Settings -> About page.
9. Exit the application (if necessary). Copy the CURRENT.GPX file saved in Step 2 to SD card location: \Garmin\GPX\CURRENT.GPX
Replace the existing file on the SD card if necessary.
10. Start the application. The import of the data should happen automatically. If it does not, select Tools->Manage My Data then select the Manage option. Select Import GPX. Your saved application data should now be available.
11. You will need to keep the SD card inserted in your device for the voice, help and basemap files. This SD card can also be used to hold your detailed maps.
Changes made from version 5.00.00 to 5.00.10:
* Provide support for Samsung INNOV8 (i8510).
* Change default vehicle icon to blue car.
* Correct an application shutdown when frequently recalculating a route.
* Correct the displayed speed limit value for some specific roads.
* Correct the blank green screen displayed when switching to the map page.
* Improve the layout of the Local Search capability.
* Improve the layout of the map page for the Nokia E90 screen size.
Download - the executable version:
Download Here For Free
Download - the unpacked version with sis file in it:
Download Here For Free
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FreeFSWP v1.01 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Freeware by junnikokuki
FreeFSWP can help you set a full screen wallpaper on the Standby screen and Menu screen. It supports landscape display mode. When you rotate screen, wallpaper will switch to the proper size. It also supports autostart function. When it is on, at boot-up of phone, wallpaper will be automatically set.
- Add preview wallpaper function
- Add Fix Navpane Display setting
- Add Auto Apply On Theme Change setting
FreeFSWP only supports S60 pre-FP1 and FP1 phones:
3250、5700、6110N、6120C、6121C、6220C、6290、E50、E51、E 60 、E61(i)、E62、E65、E70、E71、N73、N75、N76、N77、N80、 N81、N8 2、N91、N93(i)、N95
FreeFSWP needs to sign before installion. You must sign it with your dev cert
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
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FontRouterMan V1.06 Release Candidate
* With the Font r outer (Font r outer.LT.for.v9.Build20071109) use.
* Support fonts manually fill or manually select
* Supporting the overall font scaling, saturation adjustment, font adjustment, height (Y axis), width (word spacing), line height settings
* Supporting the overall font type (anti-aliasing, etc.), font characters as amended, font scaling limit, scaling lower limit, such as.
* Supporting the original file backup. (Optimization of the premise)
* Support for symbian OS S60 3rd MR, FP1, * FP2
* Support for basic single-character mappings (still are testing is not recommended to use only suitable for playing when the auxiliary use of fonts)
* Support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
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- MapDrives no longer needed, mapping drives code is now built-in HelloOX, that's mean hacking is much more easier, one app does all the step!(credit must go to FCA00000)
- All mapped drives would remove automatic, no reboot needed for removing them
- Since ROMPatcher doesn't works on some FP2 device, installing it is now an optional for FP2 user, no patches would apply and add to autostart, must do them menual
- Some guys complain cannot play N-GAGE games, the main problem is open4all patch applied. So, all ROMPatcher patches would not add to autostart on all device, must do it menual if you want
- Install rootCerts option removed from Pre FP1 & FP1 device, because installserver is enough. if you wanna install it, please install it menual from E:\HelloOX\updaterD.sisx before uninstall HelloOX
- Install Modo(a TCB file manger by leftup) is now an optional for all device
*If you hacked your phone already, you don't have to use this update version to hack it again! An update just make this app better, it will not hack for more!*
The easiest way to hack!
One step hacking for all S60 3rd,fp1,fp2,5800:
Sign and Install HelloOX.1.03.Unsigned.sis, just run it after installed.
***must sign with a 17 capability Dev Cert***
HelloOX does all the rest for you!
Enjoy it!
What HelloOX did?
Pre FP1 & FP1:
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install ROMPatcher
4. Apply open4all patch
5. Move installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin\
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher (optional)
5. Install Modo (optional)
6. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
7. Done!
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher
5. Apply open4all and ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!
FP2 & 5800 doesn't have a working installserver yet! However, ROMPatcher working on some of them.
If RP works, the ChangeSWIpolicyPath patch can let you install some unsigned apps, otherwise please
sign your apps with leftup cert&key pair included in this package.
All credits goes to:
GANG's brothers
Thanks micke for let this proper works on fp2 device!
Thanks declanshortall for test on 5800!
and Thanks to all people who made this possible!
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Posted by
Speed is a drug.It is addictive, causes hand shiver and if you really experienced it once you'll want to try again. To feel once again how gas pedal is obeyingly pressed down to its limit, how drone of the superpower engine grows to roaring, and the lights of other cars dart past and leave far behind.Speed is always not enough. No matter how fast road signs pass by outside the window, how fast the road flies – they do it too slow, and you want to accelerate their motion - down to the endurance limit of the metal, carbon and human consciousness. Speed is pleasure verging on self-destruction, it is balancing on the narrow border between checked maneuver and turning into vortex of splinters, between temporary victory and absolute failure that is unbearable. Speed is a drug. And as any drug, too high dose of it can become fatal.
- Stunning speed and dynamics of the game;
- Realistic physics of control, crashes and catastrophes;
-Vivid cinematographic special effects – explosions, blowing up cars and bursts of fire;
- Dynamic 3D surrounding, snowed up highways and death-defying night races;
- Possibility to place your records in the Internet and compete in virtual championships with other players;
- Musical illustration and sound effects of explosions and crashes;
- Simple and clear controls, and highly addictive gameplay;
- System of hints at low levels of difficulty;
- High speed of operation on all modern 3D phones models;
- Game is available in 10 languages – Russian, English, Ukrainian, German, Italian, French, Czech, Spanish, Polish.
retail assassin
JAD file must install in order to become full version! Otherwise, only two minutes to play!:
Download Here 240*320
Download Here 240*320
Posted by
Shuffle Ultimate By Lifenexus
Here is Your dream come true. This new version has support for videocentre, TTPod and Music player.
The program by default is in Automatic mode. Any where in the menu, system or standby screen, the program is in music player mode. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the right, it will go to the next track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the left, it will go to the previous track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone downwards, it will pause/play the track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER.
If you goto Video Centre and play a video in LANDSCAPE MODE(Phone in horizontal position or video watching position), You can press and HOLD the gallery key and tilt the phone to the right and the video will fast forward. You can press and HOLD the gallery key and tilt the phone to the left and the video will rewind forward.
If you goto TTPod music player and press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the right, it will go to the next track in TTPod. Default Keys(play-5, previous- 4 next -6. You can define your own keys from the settings). If you goto TTPod music player and press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the Left, it will go to the previous track in TTPod.
The Settings Menu:
In this menu, you can set vibration for the Default Music player ON or OFF by selecting on on the options. The
Current Settings option shows the current selected settings. Settings will be saved and the same will be available even after a program restart.
TTPod settings:
In the key configurations, you can define keys for the TTPod music player. These keys correspond to the keys that you
have set in TTPod for play/pause, previous track, next track. To set this, start the TTPod music player, press the left softkey >goto options >select hotkeys
and set a key for play/pause, next track and previous track. Then go back to Shuffle >options >settings >TTPod Settings >Key Configurations and set the
appropriate key that you set in TTPod. The next menu Display current settings shows the current set keys.
Program Mode:
The Program Mode changes the behavoiur of Shuffle. The first mode :
1.Automatic: This will make Shuffle
automatically. When You shake the the phone anywhere, the musicplayer tracks will change. When you open videocentre and tilt the phone by pressing the
gallery key, it will fast forward or rewind the video. When you go to TTPod and shake the phone using the gallery key, it will change TTPod tracks.
2. Music
player only: This mode will change tracks only of the default music player and it will not work in TTPod or Video Centre.
3. TTpod Only: This mode will only change tracks of TTPod. If You shake by pressing the gallery key, it will start TTPod player and the you can continue shaking for music. It will not work in
any other players in this mode.
4.VideoCentre only: In This mode, it will vork only in Video centre and not other app. In video Center press and hold the
gallery key and tilt the phone either right or left to fast forward or rewind the video.
5.TTPod and video centre: The App will work only in TTpod and Video Centre.
6. Current mode: It shows the current selected mode
Current Settings:
Current Settings Shows the current selected settings for Shuffle
Hope Everything is Clear.
Installation Instructions:
2. UNINSTALL pymegamodulepack.
3. Uninstall keypress module if you installed it seperately
4. Install Shuffle shell from my attachment.
5. Install UltraPymodule pack.(It has all the modules)
6. Install Shuffle ultimate.
Download Here For Free
Posted by
Google Maps v3.0.0.1.S60v3
My Location (beta)
My Location shows your current location on the map, even if your Nokia phone does not have GPS. Learn more with our My Location video.
Interactive maps
Google Maps for your Nokia feels just like Google Maps on the desktop. Pan and zoom the map, and view satellite imagery, and even switch into Street View for a closer look.
Business listings
Search Google Maps for local businesses and points of interest. View store hours and reviews, then dial a business in one click. Thanks to My Location, you can find nearby businesses without even having to enter your current location.
Google Maps offers turn-by-turn driving directions - and thanks to My Location, you don't even have to enter your starting point. You can also get walking directions and find public transit routes in more than 100 cities around the world. Learn more with our public transit video.
Real-time traffic data helps you find the fastest route to your destination.
New! Street View
View street level imagery of addresses, businesses, and turns in directions in major cities throughout the United States, Australia, Japan, and parts of Europe. Learn more with our Street View video.
Save your favorite places so that you can easily return to them on the map.
Supported Nokia phones
Google Maps for Nokia works on most smartphones that run S60 3rd Edition. Popular Nokia phones that run Google Maps include:
All S60v3 Phones
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Posted by

Adobe Labs Distributable Player Solution
The distributable player solution enables developers to create rich applications for the latest version of Adobe® Flash Lite™ and directly distribute their content to millions of open OS smartphones, providing a better on-device user experience.
Since the distributable player solution mimics the successful Adobe Flash® Player desktop model of content-triggered downloads, you can be confident that your users’ devices will always have the latest Flash Lite runtime.
Plus, the distribution model enables you to deliver free or paid applications to millions of open OS smartphones, through direct-to-consumer distribution or your existing distribution channels, or via Adobe’s aggregator partners, which include GetJar, Thumbplay, and Zed.
Finally, this solution gives end users a better experience by providing intuitive discovery and installation of Flash Lite applications. Consumers using supported Windows Mobile and S60 phones in India, Italy, Spain, UK, and the U.S. can easily download applications. (Additional countries will be added over time.) After downloading an application, consumers see its user-friendly icon in the device menu.
What it is
The distributable player solution consists of the following components:
Flash Lite 3.1 Distributable Player. Flash Lite 3.1 includes the same features as Flash Lite 3.0, such as support for Flash Player compatible video, with some additional enhancements including improved security model for SWF file access. The solution delivers a standalone player for applications, without affecting the Flash Lite browser plug-in or pre-installed standalone player, if present.
Adobe Mobile Packager
The Adobe Mobile Packager is a desktop tool to wrap a SWF application with a player version checker, an icon, and metadata into an installable file for user-friendly discovery on S60 and Windows Mobile devices. The resulting output file is recognizable by S60 (.SIS) and Windows Mobile (.CAB) operating systems, acting essentially like .ZIP or .AIR files.
Authoring support is provided via Adobe Flash CS4 Professional and Adobe Device Central CS4 with corresponding updates, or via Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and Adobe Device Central CS3.
How it works
Take advantage of the distributable player solution in these basic steps.
1. Create
Create and test your Flash Lite application using Adobe Flash CS4 Professional and Adobe Device Central CS4 (with corresponding updates below), or Adobe Flash CS3 Professional and Adobe Device Central CS3.
* Get Adobe AIR 1.5 update for Flash CS4 Professional
* Get Flash Lite 3.1 update for Device Central CS4
2. Package
Use the Adobe Mobile Packager to wrap your SWF file with an icon, metadata, and a version checker that downloads the latest Flash Lite player over the air.
3. Distribute
Reach millions of users with direct-to-consumer distribution, or leverage the marketing reach and billing services of off-deck aggregator partners, including GetJar, Thumbplay, and Zed.
4. Discover
After downloading, your end users can discover your Flash application through a visual icon just like other applications on the device.
Distributable Player:Supported Devices
Because it is a solution for off-deck rich application distribution, the Flash Lite 3.1 Distributable Player will be supported on smartphones with open operating systems which allow Over-The-Air (OTA) software downloads. At launch, the solution will be supported on Adobe tested devices based on Windows Mobile 5 for Smartphones, Windows Mobile 6 Standard/Professional, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition feature pack 1, and S60 3rd Edition feature pack 2 devices platforms. Adobe will certify additional devices over time, prioritizing the most popular devices for the above mentioned platforms.
Supported devices (last updated: February 16, 2009)
S60 Devices
1. Nokia N78
2. Nokia E65
3. Nokia N95 8GB
4. Nokia N95
5. Nokia N73
6. Nokia N81
7. Nokia 6120 Classic
8. Nokia E51
9. Nokia N81 8GB
10. Nokia E71
11. Nokia N96
12. Nokia N82
Windows Mobile Devices
1. Samsung SGH-i607 BlackJack I
2. Samsung SGH-i617 BlackJack II
3. Samsung SGH-i780
4. HTC Touch Diamond
5. HTC-Pro S621(Same as T-Mobile Dash)
6. Palm Treo 700w
7. Palm Treo Pro
8. Palm Treo 750
9. Motorola Q Norman (same as Moto Q 9h(GSM))
10. Motorola Q
11. Motorola Q9m
Attached below is only the player (sorry, don't have time to split and upload the packager).
Here are other links for further information and downloads.
Download Here For Free
Posted by
Quickoffice.Adobe.Reader.LE.v2.5.131.S60v3.Symbian OS9.1.Unsigned.Cracked.Read.NFO-illusion
More Powerful Than Ever!
NEW! Adobe Reader LE 2.5 developed by Quickoffice and optimized for S60 3rd Edition mobile devices, lets you view PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format)files on the go - anytime, anywhere. Enjoy enhanced PDF viewing withfaster and easier to read single column text reflow that resizesdocuments for greatly improved readability on the small screen. Version2.5 is the next of Adobe Reader LEfor mobile devices with improved performance, such as opening largefiles faster, and an easier, more intuitive navigation. Quickoffice isthe Exclusive S60 Provider of this release.
Key Benefits:
Best Viewing Experience - Optimized for viewing and reading PDF documents on mobile devices.
Desktop Level Functionality - View high impact Adobe PDF documents with familiar desktop experience.
Seamless Integration - Streamline workflow on your mobile device with a common user experience and integration between Adobe Reader and Quickoffice Premier.
Increase Your Productivity - Quickly access PDF documents anywhere, anytime on your mobile device to review and approve important documents while on the go.
2 Great Technologies Combined - Developed by Quickoffice, the Global Leader in Mobile Office Software, combined with Adobe's proven technology in Portable Document Format that maintains document integrity.
Key Features:
Reflow View - Allows an alternate view of thePDF document where text is reflowed on the screen to provide a betterviewing experience; a reflowed view eliminates left-right scrolling fortext-heavy documents.
Accurate Rendering - Provides accurate rendering of PDF content, retaining images, complex layouts, and formatting.
ZoomView™ - Easy, intuitive navigation that allows for increased legibility of PDF content on small screens.
Smooth Shading & Transparencies - Supports transparencies and smooth shading (used for smoother tonal gradation) contained in PDF documents.
Page Rotation -Supports rotation of the PDF content (display only) in 90-degreeincrements, allowing users to maximize the viewing area on a smallscreen (for example, going from landscape to portrait maximizes theviewing area for some content).
Text Search - Supports basic text search in PDF documents.
Bookmarks - Navigate documents using embedded bookmarks contained in PDF documents.
Encryption - Supports decryption of files encrypted with up to 128-bit encryption that are password protected.
Find with advanced find options.
Embedded Fonts - Preloaded with 14 fonts.
View Document Properties - Ability to view subject, keywords, date created, last modified, file size, author and title.
PDF Compliant - Supports the latest PDF 1.7 rendering model and specifications.
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
Download Here S60v5
Posted by

New Translation For TTPOD V3.2.1 (All Bugs in Functions are Solved!)
Software Version: for symbian S60 3rd V3.2.1
Software License: Free
Software language: English
Function Optimization:
1. Support system decoder EQ adjustment (S60v3)
2. Improve the list of the first alphabetical order
3. To increase album background
Fix the problem:
1. N78/N79/N85 repair some models WMA scanning exit problem (S60v3)
2.turn key to repair some of the pages using the volume adjustment in response to the problem of non-(S60v3)
3. Other details
Translation Change Log:
- Delete Functions: (File from memory) is working now!
- Album Background layout
- ID3 Tag editor: Fully in ENGLISH
- Now TTPOD Music Player work like Charm............
- NOKIA: 3250/5500/5320/5700/6110/6120/6120c/6121/6290
- SAMSUNG: SGH-i400/SGH-i450/SGH-i520/SGH-i550
- LG: KS10/KT610
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2. Walkman Violet & Pink
3. Walkman Red
Download Here Pure Black
Download Here Walkman Red, Violet & Pink
Download Here Pure Black
Download Here Walkman Red, Violet & Pink
Download Here TTPOD 3.2.1
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Software Version: for symbian S60 3rd V3.2.1
Published: 2009.02.13
NOKIA: 3250/5500/5320/5700/6110/6120/6120c/6121/6290
SAMSUNG: SGH-i400/SGH-i450/SGH-i520/SGH-i550
LG: KS10/KT610
Software License: Free
Software language: English
Change log:
Function Optimization:
1. Support system decoder EQ adjustment (S60v3)
2. Improve the list of the first alphabetical order
3. To increase album background
Fix the problem:
1. N78/N79/N85 repair some models WMA scanning exit problem (S60v3)
2.turn key to repair some of the pages using the volume adjustment in response to the problem of non-(S60v3)
3. Other details
Translated Old RSC File : DDEATHMETAL
Updated by Me
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Download Here TTPOD CN
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- MapDrives no longer needed, mapping drives code is now built-in HelloOX, that's mean hacking is much more easier, one app does all the step!(credit must go to FCA00000)
- All mapped drives would remove automatic, no reboot needed for removing them
- Since ROMPatcher doesn't works on some FP2 device, installing it is now an optional for FP2 user, no patches would apply and add to autostart, must do them menual
- Some guys complain cannot play N-GAGE games, the main problem is open4all patch applied. So, all ROMPatcher patches would not add to autostart on all device, must do it menual if you want
- Install rootCerts option removed from Pre FP1 & FP1 device, because installserver is enough. if you wanna install it, please install it menual from E:\HelloOX\updaterD.sisx before uninstall HelloOX
- Install Modo(a TCB file manger by leftup) is now an optional for all device
*If you hacked your phone already, you don't have to use this update version to hack it again! An update just make this app better, it will not hack for more!*
The easiest way to hack!
One step hacking for all S60 3rd,fp1,fp2,5800:
Sign and Install HelloOX.1.03.Unsigned.sis, just run it after installed.
***must sign with a 17 capability Dev Cert***
HelloOX does all the rest for you!
Enjoy it!
What HelloOX did?
Pre FP1 & FP1:
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install ROMPatcher
4. Apply open4all patch
5. Move installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin\
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher (optional)
5. Install Modo (optional)
6. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
7. Done!
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher
5. Apply open4all and ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!
FP2 & 5800 doesn't have a working installserver yet! However, ROMPatcher working on some of them.
If RP works, the ChangeSWIpolicyPath patch can let you install some unsigned apps, otherwise please
sign your apps with leftup cert&key pair included in this package.
All credits goes to:
GANG's brothers
Thanks micke for let this proper works on fp2 device!
Thanks declanshortall for test on 5800!
and Thanks to all people who made this possible!
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The Most Powerful & Complete Mobile Office Suite Available.
Our award-winning Quickoffice Premier is the only mobile solution available to View, Edit & Create native Microsoft® Office 2007 documents on S60 3rd Edition devices. Unlock the full potential of your smartphone and turn your device into a powerful mobile office. Document integrity is preserved with no data loss, so you can confidently edit and exchange Office files between your smartphone and desktop.Quickoffice Premier is the essential office productivity application for mobile professionals, business, education and individuals.
View & Edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint attachments on your device.
Create & Save new Word, Excel and PowerPoint files on your device.
Retain file formats with no data loss.
Easy, intuitive desktop look and feel.
Advanced folder and file management capabilities.
Support for complex formulas.
Complete graphical editing.
Advanced editing of text, lists, tables, style, and formatting.
Free spell check dictionaries in multiple languages.
Add images to Word and PowerPoint.
Advanced email integration with Mail for Exchange.
Microsoft Office version support: 97, 2000, XP, 2003, & 2007
Compatible with all Symbian S60 3rd Edition Devices
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Download Here For Free
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Based on the new Resident Evil(TM): Degeneration movie, the game puts you in an airport overrun with horrifying enemies including zombie airline passengers, pilots and ferocious dogs.
All Resulution
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SmartCam - Smart Phone Web Camera - Turns a Symbian Series 60 phone with bluetooth and camera into a handy webcam ready to use with your PC .
Tested on N81.
Change log :
It supports WiFi connectivity.
1. Installation/compilation on PC
Almost all the files needed are in the 'release' folder.
SmartCam for linux is made of the usual phone files, a user mode application (smartcam)
and a driver to emulate a webcam (smartcam.ko). The bad news is that drivers can not be
released in binary form anymore, unless your system happens to run the kernel version
used to compile the driver. smartcam.ko was compiled using kernel version 2.6.24-18-generic
If you are not running this version of the kernel you will have to compile the driver yourself.
Just open a shell in the src/driver path and type:
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/build M=`pwd` modules
In the above command replace /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/build to the path corresponding to
your system. After successfully compiling the driver you should have the file smartcam.ko in the
src/driver folder.
If you want to compile the application as well go to src/app and type:
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0` -lbluetooth smartcam.c -o smartcam
2 Installation on phone
Just transfer any of the files SmartCamS603rdEd.SIS, SmartCamS602ndEd.SIS that
match your phone on your mobile and follow the installation instructions.
3. Running
Before running smartcam, the driver must be loaded in the kernel; if not the PC application will
complain at start time and exit. To load the driver, open a shell as root in src/driver path and type:
/sbin/modprobe videodev
/sbin/insmod smartcam.ko
After this start the application on the PC, start the phone application and connect it to your PC.
You should now see video images on the PC application window.
4. 3rd party applications
SmartCam was tested on Ubuntu 8.04, kernel version 2.6.24-18-generic, bluez-utils 3.30-3.
Note: some earlier bluez-utils versions don't work with SmartCam.
SmartCam works with Kopete, Ekiga, aMsn and gstreamer (launch gstreamer-properties, go to the video
tab, Default Input, and press Test to see if it is supported by gstreamer). Unfortunately it doesn't
work with skype, nor with gstfakevideo for skype.
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Kaspersky Mobile Secuirty v8.0.22 Beta S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-illusion
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 is designed to ensure complex protection of mobile devices.
The product provides the following functionality to the user:
1. File system scan for viruses or other malicious programs by user's demand or according to the schedule
2. On-access anti-virus file scan
3. Opportunity to quarantine infected objects and disinfect some of them
4. Anti-virus databases update by user's demand or according to the schedule via GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync (for Windows Mobile version)
5. Blocking unsolicited SMS messages and calls (Good Filtering Capablity)
6. Opportunity to block the user data in case the device is lost or stolen
7. Opportunity to delete user data in case the device is lost or stolen
8. Device protection against network attacks via TCP/IP
9. Opportunity to create a folder for saving files in the encrypted form
10. Opportunity to identify the phone location remotely (if the device is equipped with a GPS receiver) (Function like Guardian Platinum)
11. Opportunity to block outgoing calls and messages to the specified numbers. (Very nice)
The product has a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
The product can be installed to the main memory of the mobile device only.
Product components:
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 comprises the following components:
* Anti-Virus
* Anti-Spam
* Anti-Theft
* Firewall
* Encryption
* Parental control
System requirements:
The product runs only on mobile devices that support SMS receipt and sending and work under the following operating systems:
* Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones only).
Known issues for Symbian OS version:
* Files cannot be decrypted when moved.
* The installation of applications into an encrypted folder via PC Suite is not available.
* Files become corrupted, when copied into an encrypted folder via PC Suite.
1.) Unpack
2.) Install
3.) Register with T59MC-FQD7B-M7MU4-VRYJU
Note: This is just a quick crack for this version to work forever, Enjoy
Kaspersky Mobile Secuirty v8.0.22 Beta S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-illusion
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 is designed to ensure complex protection of mobile devices.
The product provides the following functionality to the user:
1. File system scan for viruses or other malicious programs by user's demand or according to the schedule
2. On-access anti-virus file scan
3. Opportunity to quarantine infected objects and disinfect some of them
4. Anti-virus databases update by user's demand or according to the schedule via GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync (for Windows Mobile version)
5. Blocking unsolicited SMS messages and calls (Good Filtering Capablity)
6. Opportunity to block the user data in case the device is lost or stolen
7. Opportunity to delete user data in case the device is lost or stolen
8. Device protection against network attacks via TCP/IP
9. Opportunity to create a folder for saving files in the encrypted form
10. Opportunity to identify the phone location remotely (if the device is equipped with a GPS receiver) (Function like Guardian Platinum)
11. Opportunity to block outgoing calls and messages to the specified numbers. (Very nice)
The product has a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
The product can be installed to the main memory of the mobile device only.
Product components:
Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 comprises the following components:
* Anti-Virus
* Anti-Spam
* Anti-Theft
* Firewall
* Encryption
* Parental control
System requirements:
The product runs only on mobile devices that support SMS receipt and sending and work under the following operating systems:
* Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones only).
Known issues for Symbian OS version:
* Files cannot be decrypted when moved.
* The installation of applications into an encrypted folder via PC Suite is not available.
* Files become corrupted, when copied into an encrypted folder via PC Suite.
1.) Unpack
2.) Install
3.) Register with T59MC-FQD7B-M7MU4-VRYJU
Note: This is just a quick crack for this version to work forever, Enjoy
Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free
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Astrology & Horoscope Pro 2009 1.3 for StyleTap
Astrology & Horoscope Pro 2009 1.3 for StyleTap Astrology & Horoscope Pro 2009 1.3
Matchmaker by Sing:
The stars can provide much insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love. Of course, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a "classic" match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost. By understanding the universal forces that attract you to your lover, you can learn how to make any relationship work, and better understand your own self
in the process.
Horoscopes 2009:
What's in the stars for you in 2009? Astrology & Horoscope Pro has the scoop on everything from professional developments to romantic interludes to the general trends of your life! Find out when you should ask for that raise, lift your ban on blind dates or start planning for a visit to faraway lands.
Zodiac Signs:
Welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens for answers and guidance in their lives! This program area covers all details about your sign as: Love, Health, Likes/Dislikes, Problems/Solutions, Planet ruling, your animal, color of choice, starstone, famous persons with your sign etc.
Numerology 2009:
Numerology is a key to your inner self. All numbers based on your date of birth reflect influences and events related to the momentum of your life. Think of their effect on your life as similar to the weather and the landscape you travel through -- the Path of Your Life. The influences are enormously important. In fact, the most important number in your chart --
the Life Path number -- is based on your date of birth. And yet, the power of these numbers is felt as almost "external" -- most of them affect you only for periods in your life (cycles) or are overcome after you reach a certain age (Challenges). Even your Life Path number is a cycle; it is the longest cycle of your life.
12/Nov/2008 UPDATE ---
* 2009 Yearly Horoscopes added.
* 2009 Numerology added.
* Extras added: Birthday analysis.
* Keyboard errors fixed.
* Clicking Redraw errors fixed.
* Accelerometer rotation redraw errors fixed.
* Minor bugs fixed.
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Download Here StyleTap 0.9.11
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Install PIPS.sis first
Then RUN.sis
I think no need to sign.
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